July 2023 Monthly Climate Bulletin (Monthly Climatic)

During July 2023, days were remained warm over several portions of lowlands of Ethiopia, in particularly over most part of Afar, Somalia, Gambela and some part of Amhara regions (Fig. 3.1.2). Specifically, the extreme maximum temperature values were as high as 45.5, 45.5, 45, 44.8, 44.0 and 42.2OC over Dubti, Aysha, Semera, Elidar, Mille and Gewane respectively. During July 2023, the monthly rainfall amount exceeded 400 mm or heavier rainfall was occurring over some parts of western Oromia and Gambella areas. In particular, the monthly total rainfall values of July 2023 were as high as 583.3, 495.3, 476.0. 472.0, 469.4, 432.3, 412.8, and 412.2 mm over Bahirdar, Nekemte, Dangila, Debretabor, Kachise, Alge, Arejo, Shambu and Gundemeskel. The daily rainfall values over Jima, Bahirdar, Sherkole, Gimbi, Nekemte, Amdework and Dangila stations was 82.4, 78.2, 72.5, 70.3, 65.8, 65.5 and 60.5 mm respectively. In general, the monthly total rainfall amount of July 2023 was below normal over part of Somali, Afar, South and Eastern Oromia, Gambela, SNNPR and Northern Amhara regions. On the other hand, it was above normal over Northern Somali and some Central parts of the country Some Southern, Central and Western part of the Country, and Somali region were wetter than last year. On the other hand, the rest of the country July 2023 was dryer than July 2022